Understanding Shoulder Replacements


Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a serious complication that can occur after shoulder arthroplasty. Infection may occur in the wound or deep around the prosthesis. Any infection in your body can spread to your shoulder replacement. When an infection is suspected, early diagnosis and proper treatment is important. Contact your surgeon if you experience any symptoms of an infection, including increased pain or stiffness in a previously well-functioning joint, warmth and redness around the wound, or wound drainage.

Pain Management

After orthopaedic surgery, your doctors and nurses will make every effort to control your pain. While you should expect to feel some discomfort, advancements in pain control now make it easier for your doctor to manage and relieve pain.

Shoulder Replacement Implants

During shoulder replacement surgery, an orthopaedic surgeon will resurface your damaged shoulder with artificial components, called implants.

What Are Shoulder Replacements Made Of?

Shoulder replacement surgery involves replacing the worn-out bone and cartilage lining your shoulder joint with new implants that are composed of materials made from metal and plastic. The 2 main metal alloys used in shoulder implants are titanium and cobalt chrome.